Boynton Coat of Arms
This Boynton family coat of arms is reproduced from the Genealogy of the Descendants of William and John Boynton (1897) - the full text is available for free online reference. The family coat of arms is shown in "true heraldic colors" exactly as Sir Henry Somerville Boynton - the Baronet (at that time) - was using it (except that the label below the helmet has been dropped as that is used to identify the version used by the eldest son). The significance of the elements of the coat of arms are summarized as follows.
The heraldic appendages of a knight are the helmet, mantle, wreath, and crest. The helmet of the knight stands full faced, with the visor open, which signifies direction and command. (The closed visor signifies preparation for battle while the open visor represents a return from battle, with glory and victory.)
The crescent, or new moon, has been an honorable symbol, employed by many of the eastern nations. Hence the conquests of the Christian leaders during the crusades have given rise to the assumption of crescents as heraldic insignia in our shields of arms. This form represents the new moon as she appears about the time of the autumnal Equinox, when seen in Syria and other regions near the northern tropic, that is, with her horns toward the Zenith.
Undoubtedly, the goat was assumed for a crest by the Boyntons during the Crusades, as indicative of their undaunted courage.
Boynton Genealogy 34 Generations
- Torchill Bovington (per "Betham's History, Genealogy and Baronets of the Boynton Family in England")
- Bartholomew de Boynton --- Lord of the Boynton manor in 1067. Married (no mention of his wife's name). [per E-Mail Two sons: John (who married the daughter of Henry Powcher) and Walter (his heir).]
- Walter de Boynton (Living in 1091) --- [a Bruis de Boynton was living in 1129 - uncertain of his relationship]
- Sir Ingram de Boynton (Living in 1159) --- Son and heir: Thomas
- Sir Thomas de Boynton --- (Had child / children)
- Robert de Boynton (flourished in 1205) --- Married the daughter of Thomas Burgh, Esq. One son.
- Ingraham de Boynton (known to be living in 1235 and 1258) --- Married Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir Walter Grindall
- Walter de Boynton (known to be lising in 1273) --- Married daughter of Ingram Mounscaux
- Ingraham de Boynton (known to be living in 1272 and 1307) --- Married a daughter of St. Quintine
- Sir Walter de Boynton (knighted 1356 in the service of the Prince of Wales in Brittany) --- Married a daughter of William Alton
- Sir Thomas de Boynton of Acclam --- Lord of the ancient demense in Boynton of Acclome and Aresome (in right of his mother) and of Rouseby, Newton and Swaynton (by his wife). Married Katharine, daughter and co-heir of Sir Gifford Rossells of Newton. One son.
- Sir Thomas Boynton --- Married Margaret Speeton of Sawcock. One son - Henry. [per Email Lieutenant and Constable of Carlisle. Died before his father.]
- Sir Henry Boynton (? - July 2, 1405) --- He joined Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, who had taken up arms against Henry IV in 1405. They were defeated and Henry was executed with 7 others at Sadbury in Yorkshire. Married Elizabeth daughter of Sir John Merrifield. Two sons: William and Thomas (died at age 12). Two daughters: Elizabeth [per Email wife of Thomas Marton] and Janett [per Email wife of John Widdesworth]
- William Boynton --- Married Jane, daughter of Simon Harding. One son - Thomas.
- Sir Thomas Boynton of Wyntringham (made his will July 28 1408 which was proved at York on Sept 6 1408) --- Married Margaret, daughter of William Normanville. Two sons, Henry (eldest and heir from whom descends present Baronet) and Christopher.
- Sir Christopher Boynton of Sadbury --- Married daughter of Sir John Coignes of Ormesbury
- Sir Christopher Boynton of Sadbury --- Had estates in Heslerton, Newton, and in the Parish of Wintringham. First married Elizabeth Wanford. One son William died without issue. His second wife was Jane, daughter of Robert Strangeways of Kelton. Two sons: Sir Christopher and Robert. Two daughters: Elizabeth and Jane.
- Robert Boynton of East Heslerton (? - 1526) --- Married Agnes. Four sons: John of East Heslerton, Richard of Newton who died in 1539, William a priest, and James.
- James Boynton of Wintringham (? - 1534) --- Married Jane and had three sons: Roger, William, and Christopher)
- Roger Boynton of Wintringham resided in Knapton (? - 1558) --- Married Jenet Watson. Four sons: James, Richard, William, Edmund. One daughter: Alice.
- William Boynton of Knapton (? - 1615) --- Left second wife Margaret as widow. Four sons: Francis who died at Knapton in 1638, Daniel of East Heslerton, John, William. Two daughters: Anne and Margaret.
- William Boynton of Knapton --- Youngest son and executor of his father's estate. Married. Two sons at Knapton: William (1605 or 1606) and John (1614).
- William Boynton (Yorkshire, England) (1605 or 1606 - ?) --- Planter, weaver, tailor, teacher. Married Elizabeth Jackson (in England, she came to Rowley with him). Four sons born in Rowley: John (Dec 19 1640 - Mar 26, 1665); Zachariah (Oct 11 1644 - Aug 4 1660); Joshua (Mar 10 1646 - ?); Caleb (Apr 7 1650 - ?). Three daughters: Elizabeth (Dec 11 1642 - ?); Mary (July 23 1648 - ?); Sarah (Dec 1 1652 - Aug 8 1654). William Boynton gave a farm to each of his children in his lifetime. William Boynton joined the expedition (with his brother John) under the auspices of Sir Matthew Boynton in 1638 to settle in New England. While Matthew Boynton remained in England and joined the fortunes of Oliver Cromwell, the remainder of the party left Hull in the autumn of 1638 on the ship "John of London" and landed at Boston later the same year. Many of the families were wealthy and they purchased a tract of land between Newbury and Ipswich. They took possession of the land in April 1639 and named it Rowley (Massachusetts) in honor of their minister Mr. Ezekiel Rogers who had been a preacher at St. Peter's church in Rowley (Yorkshire, England) for many years. "In 1994 the people of Rowley, Massachusetts gave to the church of St. Peter's in Rowley, Yorkshire a stained glass window to honor the memory of their founder. This window depicts Rev. Rogers, several of the settlers and the ship upon which they sailed." according to R. A. Spafford.
- Joshua Boynton (Mar 10 1646 - Nov 12 1736) --- Farmer, soldier in Narragansett wars 1675. First married Hannah Barnet on Apr 9 1678 (she died Jan 12 1722). Next married Mary Syles on Nov 29 1725 (she died July 28, 1727). Married 3rd Mary, widow of his cousin John Boynton on Oct 30 1727. Four sons born in Newbury: Joshua, John, Zachariah, William. One daughter born in Newbury: Hannah. Two sons born in Rowley: James, Moses. Four daughters born in Rowley: Hannah, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jemima.
- Joshua Boynton (May 4 1679 - Oct 29 1770) --- Married Mary Dole in May 1708. Five sons: Jeremiah, David, Moses, Joshua, Enoch. Eight daughters: Sarah, Jemima (twin, died 1 week old), Mary (twin, died 1 week old), Mary, Apphia, Jane, Hannah, Mehitable.
- Enoch Boynton (Nov 28 1727 - 1805) --- Fisherman & husbandman; in battle of Louisburg. Married Rachel Foster about 1747. Lived in Gloucester. Two sons: Enoch, Elijah. Four daughters: Mary, Susannah, Sarah, Hannah.
- Enoch Boynton (Jan 17 1748 - 1788) --- Private under Captain Thomas Mighill and later under Captain Jacob Gerrish. Married Abigail Tarring of Manchester in March 1771. Three sons: Enoch, Elijah, Methusaleh. Two daughters: Abigail, Rachel.
- Methusaleh Boynton (Nov 17 1777 - Nov 1819) --- Died at sea of wound to hand. Married Amelia Dodge of Newbury on Aug 17 1806. Four sons: Methusaleh, Charles, Abraham, Enoch. Two daughters: Mary Ann, Mary.
- Charles Boynton (May 9 1812 - June 30 1862) --- Married Matilda Burbank of Groveland on July 20 1846. Two sons: Charles P, Willard H. Four daughters: Caroline P, Sarah D, Matilda A, Annie M. Killed at 2 pm in Battle of Glendale, aka Frayser's Farm, White Oak Swamp, VA leaving a widow and young children.
- Charles P. Boynton (Jan 20 1853 - ?) --- Grocer (bought the general store where he started working as a child when his father died). Married Addie J. Peaslee of Newton NH. Three sons: Charles R, George H, Augustus S. One daughter: Marion L.
- Augustus Swain Boynton (Feb 15 1884 - May 30 1978) --- Educator. Married Alice Peabody Paine (Feb 8 1885 - Aug 1983) on July 19, 1915 (detailed wedding announcement) ; family tree of all descendents
- Marjorie Boynton (Quine) (March 17 1918 - April 14, 1998) --- US Navy, Preschool teacher, Egyptologist. Married Willard van Orman Quine (philosopher, mathematician) in 1948. One son: Douglas Boynton Quine. One daughter: Margaret Quine McGovern.
- Douglas Boynton Quine (1950 - ) --- Scientist, forensic philatelist. Married Maryclaire Matthews in 1979.
- Alexander Boynton Quine 1984 - ; Victoria Boisvert Quine 1988 -
Boynton Ancestry Files (personal ancestry files)
- Boynton: Boynton.ged 33 generations from Bartholomew de Boynton (~1067) through Augustus Swain Boynton (1884) to Barbara Boynton (1916) to Marcia Ruth Folk (1943) to Dixon Lynne Korper Sanderson (1962)
Also traces:
- Folk: 11 generations from Wilhelm Volk to Jacob Folk (c. 1700) through George Hamilton Folk (1915) to Dixon Lynne Korper Sanderson (1962)
- Paine: 12 generations from Stephen Paine (1599) through Alice Peabody Paine (1885) to Dixon Lynne Korper Sanderson (1962)
- Peabody: 15 generations from Agnes Peabody (1564) to Lilian Peabody (1852) to Dixon Lynne Korper Sanderson (1962)
- Peaslee: 12 generations from William Peasley (1580) to Joseph Peaslee (1714) through Addie Jane Peaslee (1853) to Dixon Lynne Korper Sanderson (1962)
- Byington: Byington.ged 33 generations from Torchill Bovington (c. 1000) to Barthalomew De Boynton through Daniel Byington (1738) to Ariel Ardell Byington (1915) courtesy Janice Byington (Feb 20, 2006)
Published Boynton Resources
The information above through 1896 is extracted from Genealogy of the Descendants of William and John Boynton compiled by John Farnham Boynton and his wife Caroline Harriman Boynton and published in 1897. Reprints of this book (#bc0049) in paperback ($45) or hardcover ($57) plus shipping are available from Higginson Book Company, Derby Square, Salem, MA 01970 It is an excellent book - my thanks to Rolfe Bradbury for identifying a current source. Higginson has also reprinted (#bc0046) Betham's History, Gen. & Baronets of the Boynton Family in England, by J. Boynton. 40p. 1884.
Roy E. Byington published a book in 1996: Byington, Boynton, Baker genealogy: with the descendants of Cyrus Irving Byington of Norwalk, Connecticut, 1865-1953 which may be available on Byington special order through
The Big Word Project has been set up by Paddy Donnelly and Lee Munroe, two Masters students from Northern Ireland, who are exploring what different words mean to different people. The Big Word Project is redefining words. Click to see how your favorite words have been defined (where the definition links go):