Boynton Family Guest Book Volume 5 by Douglas Boynton Quine
Douglas Boynton Quine - Boynton Family Guest Book classified by web page. Each guest book item includes initials of the
sender, the date of the message, the message text, and a summary of my response (if any) to the writer in bold
text. You may link back to my home page or to any
of the sites in my Family Web Site Ring:
Boynton and Quine Family web pages by DBQ
Boynton Family Guest Books by Douglas Boynton Quine
Boynton Guest Book Volume 5: March 18, 2001 - July 31, 2002
[Boynton] Mar 18, 2001 "Sarah Boynton" --- I am looking for the parents of Sarah Boynton, b. 1780, d. April 11, 1859, buried in New Boston, NH. Married James Wilson, b. 1775, New Boston, NH and d. December 27, 1841, New Boston, NH.
I would appreciate any info.
from Ray Sweeney --- Email: rayed (at)
[Boynton] Mar 25, 2001 "Emeline Boynton" --- My grandmother was Emeline Boynton, b. 19 Apr 1887, d/o James D. and Berttia A. Steubner Boynton, Emeline married Frederick Moser, and they lived and died in Reading, PA. Would you have any ancestorial information concerning this twig for me? Thank you. from Joanne Achenbach --- Email:
[Boynton] Mar 27, 2001 " just a thank you" --- Emeline Boynton was my grandmother, and for the best part of a year I searched in vain for her ancestors, when suddendly, thanks to your webposting, everything cleared up. from Joanne Achenbach --- Email: joanneachenbach (at)
[Boynton] Mar 27, 2001 "Need a little help" --- Would very much appreciate any and all information concerning James D. Boynton, son of Solomon Boynton, born 23 Jan 1826 in Gloucester, Essex County, MA. James married Caroline Hubbard on 30 Sep 1850. I know of only one child, a daughter, Emeline. Thank you. from Joanne Achenbach --- Email: joanneachenbach (at)
[Boynton] Mar 27, 2001 "Boynton family" (found site through: MSN) --- Your site; which is wonderful was under my search of Richard Bonython, I do believe these are a separate family?.... Can you give me the ins and outs on your opinion of this. Captain Richard Bonython came from Corwall, Engand in the 1620's to help settle and find Saco Maine... Is the Boynton family another branch with a another spelling? I have found this to be quite common depending on dialect etc.. Many Thanks, Valerie M. Parson from Valerie --- Email: valparson (at)
[Boynton] Mar 29, 2001 "i want to know my family details" (found site through: google search engine) --- i want to know my family details from ravichandran --- Email: ravibchandran (at)
[Boynton] Apr 7, 2001 "ANY JEWISH ROOTS IN THE BOYNTON FAMILY" (found site through: NORTHERNLIGHT.COM) --- Could anybody tell me if there are any jewish roots in my family. My father's name is bruce and his father's name was Charlie and I can't remember his father's name, but my great uncles names were Kent and Mallory. from BRADY BOYNTON --- Email: BOYNTON_BRADY (at) HOTMAIL.COM
[Boynton] Apr 9, 2001 "boyntons" (found site through: iexplore) --- just looking for Victor George Boynton from lyle boynton --- Email: budweiserslight (at)
[Boynton] Apr 9, 2001 (found site through: Google) --- Great site, I will definitely be back from Chris --- Email: kalkysa (at) Web Page: ""
[Boynton] Apr 11, 2001 "FAMILY REUNION" (found site through: ALTAVISTA) --- We are in the process of organizing a Boynton/Byington/Boyington family reunion to be held at the Byington Winery in Los Gatos, CA on 8/23/01. It will be a one day event at the Winery, which is located in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains, just South of San Jose, CA. For participants there will be food, entertainment, information on family genealogy and an opportunity to visit with "Cousins" from around the country. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive an invitation please send me an e-mail with your address. Homer Boynton from Homer Boynton --- Email: ALHOME (at) CS.COM
[Boynton] Apr 14, 2001 "Boynton Family" --- I am a granddaughter to Bob Boynton, His fathers name was Lonnie ....I really dont know much about my grandfathers family and have become can I find out more info on the family..if you can help I would appreciate it..Thanks from Kasie Sandoval --- Email: texchic05 (at)
[Boynton] Apr 15, 2001 " my condolences" --- Dear Dr.Douglas B. Quine. I am very sorry to hear that professor Quine has died. My condolences to you and your family. In time I will write much about my book " Philosophy of Language and Logic : Study of Quine'Philosophy " Cairo,Egypt:Dar El- maref,1995. This is the first book in Arabic language about Quine'philosophy. Dr. Salah Ismail. Cairo university ,faculty of Arts.philosophy department. from Dr .Salah.Ismail --- Email: S.Ismail (at)
[Boynton] Apr 17, 2001 "More info on BOYNTON family tree" (found site through: AOL) --- If there is anybody with information regarding the BOYNTON family tree in the UK.Then please mail me from PAUL BOYNTON --- Email: PaulBOYO (at)
[Boynton] Apr 17, 2001 "Enoch Boynton's Wife Rachel Foster" --- Does anyone know the lineage of Rachel Foster. She was the wife of Enoch Boynton (1727-1805). I'm decended from their daughter Hannah she married Jacob Lurvey (1761-1853). This is a very interesting site, and was a great help to me with my Boynton line. from Ron Lurvey --- Email: lur4vey (at)
[Boynton] April 18, 2001 "BOYNTON FAMILY" Hello my name is PAUL BOYNTON i live in LIVERPOOL ENGLAND. If i can help
with any information about this subject please ask. Paul -- email: PaulBOYO (at)
[Boynton] Apr 27, 2001 (found site through: Google) --- What does boynton actually mean? from Matthew Boynton --- Email: velvet_jazz_spider (at)
[Boynton / Beatles] May 5, 2001 "Sir Matthew Boynton & Beatles" -- Hi Doug. Your site is fantastic. With your help, I've been able to trace my
heritage. I am of decent of John Boynton (b. 1614) who is brother of you GrGrGrGr..father William (b. 1605).
Question: You mention a Sir Matthew Boynton (who sailed w/ Oliver Cromwell) in your site (your generation #23); of what
relation might he be to brothers John and William (mentioned above) ?
Question: Of all the sites that I've found, I found info that brothers Wm and John also had brothers Matthew and
Richard. Most info out there indicates that there were just the two brothers and not the four. Can you tell me what you
might know?
Also, can you refer me to any specific Boynton genealogy Books that detail pre-17th century Boynton history? Any
info will be helpful.
Thank you so much for your time and wonderful site. Also, great job on the Beatles pages that you have. I just gave to
my mother (b. 1948) "introducing the Beatles VJ SR1062 LP" Also, I have scans of the Fab Four of SUPERB drawings that she
drew when she was a drooling teen (appx 15 meg download). If you reply, I'll be happy to send your way if you like.
*indicate if you want them in .bmp or compressed .jpeg form. I recommend bmp. lemme know. I'm a beattle fan too.
particularly of George Martin, the fifth Beatle. Lee Clayton Boynton --- email to: leeboynton (at) or
boyntonco (at)
[Boynton] May 14, 2001 "boynton info" (found site through: surfing different sites for boynton) --- thanks for he info. will have to review more of your pages from george f boynton --- Email: gfboynton (at)
[Boynton] May 22, 2001 "update on Charles Boynton" --- I have found an entry in Capt. John G.B. Adams' memoir of the 19th Mass Vol. Infantry,"Reminiscences of the Ninteenth Massachusetts Regiment", Chapter 5,Pg 2of4,that mentions that Charles Boynton was killed at the Battle of Glendale Va.June 30th,1862 at (at) 2pm. He also has in there,a flattering account of his character,and that he was a good soldier. As a native of Groveland,I grew up with the stories of Cap'n Jack and the men of the 19th. I hope you will find this information usefull A.E.Mansfield Newton,N.H. from Andrew E Mansfield (son of William H Mansfield,Groveland,Mass --- Email: cplaem (at)
[Boynton] May 27, 2001 (found site through: Lycos) --- Hello fellow Boyantons and Boyntons. from Malcolm Boyanton --- Email: placidmind (at)
[Boynton] May 27, 2001 --- What a great site. You have been a help to so many Boyntons hunting for their roots. Thank you for your tireless effort. from Jean Boynton Larlee --- Email: jeanlarlee (at)
[Boynton] May 30, 2001 "will give info. on my ancestors later" (found site through: copernic) --- we live in quebec canada.always am interested in family tree. My grand father thomas came from liverpool and settled in sherbrooke quebec canada. came with 1 brother and 1 sister. Never heard of his brother, they were very young.The parents sent them to America in late 1800 because of the famine in England. from robert quine --- Email: r.quine (at)
[Boynton] Jun 1, 2001 "Search for roots" (found site through: --- William swain or Swainey mover to Texas from North Caroline search for more Information from Betty Swain Crenshaw --- Email: swainbetty (at)
[Boynton] Jun 15, 2001 "Boynton History " (found site through: --- Very Interesting read regarding the Boynton Family - are you aware of its origins in the UK ? There is a village in North Yorkshire called Boynton Village and a Boynton was a land owner in this area too!! I am from Middlesbrough in the North East of England and am an IT Operations Manager for a large international company. from Ted Boynton --- Email: Ted1 (at)
[Boynton] Jun 15, 2001 "Looking for a lead." (found site through: wprokasy (at) --- This is new to me.
I live in Murfreesboro,Tn. My faimly is from the Atlanta, Ga. area. I know very little of my father side of the faimly. My
grandfathers name was Loyal Boynton. That is as mush information as I have. Thanks Bob from Robert Loyal Boynton, Jr.
rlboynton (at)
see reply below at April 22, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Jun 24, 2001 "Hello from Yorkshire England" (found site through: google) --- Thanks for the Boynton info, I just did a google search on the name and your site was in the first page. I live in Leeds which is in Yorkshire England and I wonder if I am descended from William Boynton 1606. Sheila Harper from Sheila Harper (nee Boynton) --- Email: laserite (at) Web Page: ""
[Boynton] Jul 2, 2001 "Another UK Boynton" (found site through: google) --- Just to let you know that theres another Boynton from the UK looking at this site. Born Isle of Wight, living in Windsor, UK. Keep up the good work! from Darren Boynton --- Email: darren.boynton (at)
[Boynton] Jul 2, 2001 "web site" (found site through: google) --- where can i get more information? from John Boynton --- Email: boyntonjohn (at)
[Boynton] Jul 2, 2001 --- Does anyone have any history on the Canadian Boyntons? I am from Toronto and my father John Boynton did some history checking but non as detailed as this site provides. How does one go about seeing where the "Canadian" boyntons met up in this lineage? Thanks John Irwin Boynton from John Boynton --- Email: boyntonjohn (at)
[Boynton] Jul 4, 2001 "Family History" (found site through: Alta Vista) --- I'm impressed by 5 years of work atb this site. from Doppler --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 6, 2001 "Checking in" (found site through: Essex County) --- Would like to meet with some Boynton folks in NE Mass or So.NH to get reacquainted with family members. Live in Epping NH but originally born in Salem, Ma, moving to Beverly, Ma shortly thereafter, in 1941. Parents Robert Lester and Isabelle (Berube. Brother, Thomas Lester, Sisters-Susan Isabelle and Maryanne. from James Robert Boynton --- Email: jamesboynton (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 8, 2001 (found site through: Google) --- Looking for relatives on the east coast, my fathers name was Raymond Guy Boynton from New Hampshire. from Holly Jean Boynton-Part --- Email: blondedart (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 15, 2001 "Finding relatives" (found site through: Yahoo/Google) --- I enjoyed your page and web site. I found it by accident. My father's name was Ralph E. Boynton,(he died in 1972 in the Phillipines.) my brothers name is Robert E. Boynton born in Syracuse, New York.( He is living in Churchton,MD. )I am Linda Renee's and Michelle's aunt. I live in Sweetwater Valley TN. I used to live in MA. I would be interested in knowing how many Boyntons have died from Leukemia like my father Ralph. Any ideas? God Bless You from Patricia Ann Boynton Marble --- Email: pmarble (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 16, 2001 "Boynton Name Change" (found site through: --- I've always heard that my family's name was orignally spelled Boynton. Is it possible that the name Bonton could be from the lineage of de Boynton, if so, why was the "de" and the "Y" dropped? from Toni Bonton --- Email: Mea128 (at)
[Boynton] Jul 16, 2001 "Boynton-Adler connection" (found site through: Google) --- Morgana Adler, message #508 are my cousin, Mike Adler's, daughter and it is a bit of a story as to how I am sending you this message. Unfortunately, the mailbox you gave is full and my message was returned.
When Mortimer J.Adler-- the philosopher/your grandfather-- died a few weeks ago, I went on line to do a little research. Since my father's sister was Helen Boynton Adler, Mortimer's first wife of 30 years or so, I decided to do a search for her name. It's amazing how little there is about Helen even using a macro search engine like Google. Anyway, I found the little entry from you at the Boynton Family guestbook and your e-mail address.
I've had very little contact with Michael over the years. I last saw him and his new wife (your mother or stepmother?) at a dinner hosted by Helen at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco. My oldest brother Fred was there with his wife Beverly. I think my other older brother George was also there, but my memory is a little hazy. It must have been between 1980 and 1983 or so: I think I was traveling through SF en route to Asia. That was the first time I had seen Michael in more than 30 years. I have had a little more contact with your uncle Mark, since they live near me in the Washington, DC suburbs, and when Helen would come east to summer on Nantucket, she would insist on us all getting together for dinner. One of those trips she left me the Leavenworth genealogy book that your paternal grandmother, Alice, maintained.
If you ever see this, please give your father my best-- I have no idea where he is anymore. I used to associate him with either Aspen or Omaha. At the time of the SF dinner, he and his wife were running a rustic retreat center or inn on the coast near Yreka or someplace like that.
Well, I had to let you know what an extraordinary thing it was to find you on the internet. All the best!
Peter Boynton
from Peter Boynton --- Email: plboynton (at)
[Boynton] Jul 20, 2001 "Walter Lewis Boynton" (found site through: google) --- Hi - Looking for my Boynton
ancestors. My grandfather is Earl Boynton, born May 19, 1913, Sayre, Oklahoma. His father was Walter Lewis Boynton, born in
Texas in 1887. Please contact me if you have any further info! Thanks, from Kathy Elain Stansbury --- Email:
kathystansbury (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Jul 26, 2001 "Boyntons in Groveland, MA, in 1910" (found site through: Yahoo) --- Looking for info on Boyntons that might have been living in Groveland (or Boynton descendants) in 1910?
I'm curious because I have an envelope with a return address of Groveland, MA, postmarked in 1910. It doesn't have a name with the return address, nor do I have the letter it contained. I think the envelope was saved because it has a coat of arms printed on it, and designated as the Boynton coat of arms.
I'm a descendent of a Horace Wellman (great great grand father) who married a Boynton. My father's middle name was Boynton. The letter was probably written to Horace or George Theron Wellman, his son. They lived in Sheldon, IA in 1910.
Thanks for any help or direction, from Jim Wellman --- Email: jim.wellman (at)
[Boynton] Jul 27, 2001 "thanks" (found site through: --- Great info, quite interesting from Allan George William Boynton --- Email: al_boynton (at)
[Boynton] Aug 3, 2001 "Find information re Playforth, married into family" --- Any information regarding William Boynton Ireland, married Eliza Playforth, Market Weighton, Yorkshire 24.11.1870. Emigrated to New Plymouth New Zealand on ship Halicone 1875. Writing booklet regarding Eliza, who was my Great-grandmother. Please e-mail me if you have any info regarding life in either Yorkshire or N.Z - thanks from Kathyrn Fathers --- Email: kathyfathers (at)
[Boynton] Aug 5, 2001 "Great Site!" --- Just looking for any Boynton relatives. Have not been able to find out what happened to my great grandmother Helen Miriam Boynton, daughter of Nettie Hays Boynton and Henry Boynton. She married Neil Cary Christopher and had two sons - Robert Earl Christopher and Ralph Christopher, then disappeared in the early 1900's... from Jill Christopher Hafker --- Email: khaf (at)
[Boynton] Aug 5, 2001 "locating Victor george for son" --- trying to locate Victor for his son vic. if any one can help PLEASE e-mail me at bmb1939 (at) any help would be welcome. vic if you read this please contact me regarding our son. thanking you in advance. from barbara boynton --- Email: bmb1939 (at)
[Boynton] Aug 7, 2001 "Boyntons in Canada" (found site through: Altavista) --- Hi, have visited your site and have enjoyed reading through your guestbook. I am from Canada and Boynton in not a common name. I will continue to visit your site periodically. Great work!! from Deborah (Boynton) Robillard --- Email: debmax (at)
[Boynton] Aug 11, 2001 "" --- Are you related to Ruth Corbett who married Keith Boynton?
Ruth Corbett was our Aunt. and She was born oct 12, 1917 and died in 1996
Keith married Ruth August 11, 1933 in East Millinocket, Maine from Julie Corbett --- Email: jcorbett (at)
[Boynton] Aug 18, 2001 "BOYNTON's in Illinois & Iowa" (found site through: Google) --- This is a very interesting website for the Boynton family, can't find my family on here though. Looking for any info on the BOYNTON family from ILLINOIS & IOWA.
My Grandma ELVA MAE BOYNTON B:12/11/1905 Wilton Center, Will Co., IL D:4/8/1968 Pueblo, CO. Buried: Rosehill Cem., Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., IA; Parents: CLARENCE ALONZO BOYNTON married in Wilton Center, IL in 1901 to Anna Elizabeth Graves B:1876, both buried in Rinard, IA. The family moved to Iowa in 1908. I can't find much of anything linked on this family. I am at a brick wall....please help if you can, Susan from Susan Fletcher --- Email: susan481 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Aug 21, 2001 "who am i?" (found site through: not sure) --- ohh the boynton family is the best family that ever came over from old germany we got the high damn dutch and the low damn dutch the other damn dutch and the other damn dutch glorious glorious one keg a beer for the four of us glory be to god theres no more of us cause one of us can drink it all alone alone anlone drunk lastnight drunk the night b4 gonna get drunk like i never got b4 cause when im drunk im as happy as can be cause im a member of the BOYNTON family
the boynton family from mickael boynton --- Email:
[Boynton] Aug 22, 2001 "George Rufus Boynton" (found site through: --- I am researching my great,
great Aunt's husband (and distant cousin), George Rufus Boynton, an American portrait artist living in NY. He was of English
descent. His father was David, his mother Julia Hancock and his wife Mary Ellicot Junius. Your website is wonderful and
extremely useful. Thank you! from Jimmy --- Email: jimmymorris (at)
see reply below at April 22, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Aug 25, 2001 "Looking for family history" (found site through: The Mormons genology website linked me to this.) --- My deceased Mom's maiden name is Boynton. Her first name is Beverly. Middle name is Joan. Her date of birth was Jan. 29, 1924.
She was born in Montreal, Quebec. Her father was Henry P. Her mother ws Ruby, Alice, Stualie. Her Grandmother's maiden name was 'Coyle'. Her husband, Nelson, Gordon, Ross, Demers (now deceased also) Mom's name was Alice, Maud, Hopkins. His father was Milton Demers. Is there any connection to anyone in the Boynton Family tree?
I do not know! from Kathleen, Alice, (Demers) Sundberg --- Email: sunken (at)
[Boynton] Aug 29, 2001 "I need to know the origins and meaning behinde the name Boynton" (found site through: yahoo)
--- My name is Amy Boynton. I am a Sophomore in college and I am writing a paper on the meaning and origins of my last
name, Boynton. If anyone has any information, please email me. Thank you. chickyc16 (at) from Amy Nicole Boynton
--- Email: chickyc16 (at)
[Boynton] Sep 5, 2001 "andrew boynton b. 1736 banks of newfoundland" (found site through: --- I have gotten as far back to andrew boynton, born on the outer banks of newfoundland, was a soldier in the revolutionary war with the vermont militia. Settled in Pomfret VT (Windsor County) after the war. I am trying to link andrew back to Massachusetts and find out who he was married to. He had three sons, Ezekial, Daniel and David. Daniel is my great-great-great grandfather. Thanks for your help. from frances boynton powell --- Email: fbpowell (at) from (reply from Douglas Boynton Quine)
see reply below at April 22, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Sep 17, 2001 "" --- great site! if you want to trade links let me know ok! from michael parsons --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] Sep 18, 2001 "just looking around" (found site through: yahoo) --- I haven't started my geneology yet, as it is hard to trace. My father was born in Madison, Maine. Larry Vernon Boynton. My grandfathers name was Vernon W. Boynton. That's as far as I can go.
from James L. Boynton --- Email: j.l.boynton (at)
[Boynton] Sep 19, 2001 "Note of interest" (found site through: Darned if I can remember - I think it's --- Your site is very interesting. Do you have an area dealing with the Canadian side of the Boyntons? Just beginning to get interested in (re)searching family tree. My father was Jack L. Boynton (born in Aurora Ontario and died in Toronto Ontario Mar 16, 1986 and his father was Leo Walter (or Walter Leo) who also died in Toronto. My grandfather, Leo, had a brother who resided in Toledo Ohio, Herbert Boynton and I'm fairly sure he passed on in the late 50's or early 60's.
Just to add confusion to the issue, my grandmother's maiden name was Pointon (Annie Maude) and although I know she died in Toronto, I'm not sure of her place of birth.
I can see I've just scratched the surface and that I have lots of work to do!
Thanks for your research.
Janet from Mary Janet Boynton (Wilkins now) --- Email: jgwilkins (at)
[Boynton] Sep 24, 2001 "34 Generations!?" (found site through: Google) --- I started looking on the web this weekend for assistance in my family's ancestry regarding the Boynton Family and came across 2 particlular sites that show the Boynton Genealogy going way back but they differ quite significantly on who the people are that make up the lineage. One site was yours and the other is one done by Felicia Hazelton (at) Obviously I have no idea at this time which, if either, of the lineages is correct. Can you be of any assistance; what references were used; etc.?
I am sending this same message to Ms. Hazelton in the hopes that collaboration will lead to the correct lineage.
Thank you in advance.
Goff from Goff French --- Email: goff.french (at)
[Boynton] Sep 24, 2001 "Thanks" --- Thank you for the info. I am a great-grandson of Marion from Dennis Smith --- Email: d_smithjr (at)
[Boynton] Sep 30, 2001 "Looking for Glendalyn Klein" (found site through: Google) --- I am looking for means of contacting Glendalyn Klein, whom I met at Smoky Hill High School, Aurora, CO in 1993. If she is the one mentioned at this site, I'd be very grateful for any information concerning how I could contact her -- this is nothing urgent, I just wanted to say hi and see how she's doing. from Jerzy "Kitten" Kociatkiewicz --- Email: access.denied (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Oct 5, 2001 "Just to say "g'day"" (found site through: google) --- Just wanted to say "g'day" to all these "Yankee" Boyntons! I'm an Aussie Boynton and I had no idea how many Boyntons live in America! I have no idea how I'm related, but I know that somehow I'm related to the guy that fought in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and we have the family crest ("il tempo passa") hanging up at our winery in Bright, Victoria, Australia. I'm currently attending California State University, Sacramento. Cheers, Mieke. from Mieke Boynton --- Email: oarsome_aussie (at)
[Boynton] Oct 6, 2001 "Curious about my past......are we related" (found site through: msn) --- This is a very
intersting site. I'm from Mandan, North Dakota, but was born and lived till i was a third grader in Lemmon, South Dakota. My
dad is Mark Boynton, grandpa is Van Boynton (81 years old), his parents were Chester and Cora Boynton. That is all I know
about the history of my name. I'm interested in finding out more, since our name is so very rare. Hopefully you can help me
out. Thanks Jenny Boynton from Jennifer Boynton --- Email: jennyboynton (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Oct 6, 2001 "Hazel Claire Boyington" --- Hello - I am beginning the research on my husband's paternal
grandmother, Hazel Claire Boyington, born in Montesano, WA 9 May 1895 and died 4 October 1994 in Seattle, WA. Her father
was George W. Boyington, born in Wisconsin 5 March 1848 and died 6 Dec 1900. He is buried in the Oddfellows cemetery in
Tillamook Oregon. I would love to correspond with anyone with information/connections. Thank you. Helen in Seattle from
Helen Hitchcock --- Email: h.hitchcock (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Oct 10, 2001 (found site through: YAHOO) --- MY GREAT GRAND FATHER WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON BOYNTON, I
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Oct 10, 2001 "My Grandfather was Henry H Boynton, son of Horace Boynton" (found site through: google) --- I think at some point the generation meet up. still looking. from David Wright --- Email: dave.wright (at)
see response at April 21, 2002
[Boynton] Oct 10, 2001 "Great Info" (found site through: Essex County Massachusetts Genealogy Project ) --- John Boynton (b. 1640), son of William is my 8th Great Grandfather. Nice to see this interesting info. from Ken Beck --- Email: kabeck (at)
[Boynton] Oct 12, 2001 "Hello" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I never knew their where SSSOOoooo many people interested in the Boynton Family. Personally, I didn't know there where that many Boyntons around!!! This is kind of exciting. Thank you. from Richard Boynton --- Email: RBoynton (at)
[Boynton] Oct 20, 2001 "Mary Boynton Rollins" --- I am still searching for information on the children of Methusaleh
Boynton...particularly Mary who married John Rollins in 1830 in Salem N.H. from marcia jolitz --- Email: marmel62 (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Oct 28, 2001 "Great Job!!" (found site through: google) --- I just wanted to tell you that I am very impressed with the work you have done.
My connection is Hannah Boynton, who was married to Jacob Lurvey.Their daughter, Sarah married Eliab Gott. They had twin Daughters, Mary and Martha. Martha married William D. Burns. They had a number of children,one of them was Mary Caroline,who married John Gott Richardson. They were my grandmother's parents.My grandmother was Emeline Married to Nathan L. Cousens.
I have forwarded your site to a cousin who I have met though the internet and am sure she is enjoying it as much as I am. from Pearl Jordan --- Email: Pearlgott (at)
[Boynton] Oct 28, 2001 "Wow-Pearl What a great link you sent me!!" (found site through: Pearl sent this one today!) --- Same line as Pearl's only down through Albert Alexis Burns and Francena Romer - We just found the ancestor's graves-well Martha's and her grandparent's ( husband's and children's and grandchildren's
too) Was so surprised to see where Jacob Lurvey and Hannah were laying with their family- -both buried at edge of the popular Smuggler's Den Campground in S.W Harbor,Me. but Martha's was so hard to find and if it wasn't for Thomas Vining's Book we wouldn't have ever known where she and the children lay and we presume William D. Burns is there too. We have been busy thinking what to do to clear out this lost grave yard-this is the result so far-before pictures are also online for the family to see. All the Albums on this page on left are ours and it features a slide show-and on first page you can bring up photos larger -You are all welcome to come visit out photo site I plan to add more but this site is almost filled.
Thanks you for sharing your research on line where all can get it free !!:) from Dottie Marks Burns --- Email: mom164 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Oct 28, 2001 "Boynton Family Crest" (found site through: xtramsn search) --- My name is cystal shannon boynton . I am from New Zealand and my family is trying to look for our family tree. the only ancestor we know is Henry James Boynton my grandfather and James Henry Boynton is was my great grandfather. I am also interested in wether or not the Boynton family have a family crest.
would love to hear from you.
kind regards crystal boynton from Crystal Shannon BOYNTON --- Email: mere.kingi (at)
[Boynton] Oct 29, 2001 "Seeking Betham's History and genealogy of the Baronets of Boynton family in England" Where can I find "Betham's History and genealogy of the Baronets of Boynton family in England? From: juw21 (at)
see reply below at April 22, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Nov 3, 2001 "Great site" (found site through: Google) --- Thanks for the geat job from Matthew Parsons --- Email: maps (at)
[Boynton] Nov 5, 2001 (found site through: yahoo) --- I was wondering if you had any information about Boynton Hall in East Riding, Yorkshire, England. My grandmother says we are direct decendants of the two brother's who lived there. ( I think William and John). from Kate --- Email: tangomangok8 (at)
[Boynton] Nov 6, 2001 "Related Ancestors" (found site through: Yahoo under "Boynton Family") --- My father, Erwin Boynton, is son of Roy Boynton, whose two brothers were Elon and Perry. We hook in to your ancestor tree at Roy's great-grandfather's grandfather David Boynton (#25) son of Joshua (#24). Thank you for the great history. from Dorothy Anne Boynton --- Email: XCSkiers (at)
[Boynton] .
[Boynton] Nov 10, 2001 "My Father" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I'd like to make a correction to someone's posting. My father is Micheal Boynton Adler, the son of Mortimer Jerome Adler and Helen Leavenworth Boynton. His brothers are Mark, Douglas,and Philip Adler. I don't know much about the Boynton side of my family so please e-mail me anything that could be helpful. from Morgan Rachelle Adler --- Email: morgweed (at)
[Boynton] Nov 10, 2001 "Henry Van Ness Boynton" (found site through: AOL) --- We recently visited the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. We were surprised and delighted to read about Henry Van Ness Boynton who was instrumental in founding the park. He was also a Congressional Medal Of Honor recipient. Do any of you fellow Boynton's have his genealogy? He was born June 22, 1835 in West Stockbridge, Ma. and moved to Ohio in his boyhood. from Sandra Boynton --- Email: SBoynton (at)
[Boynton] Nov 10, 2001 "Boynton Photo 1918 Univ. Of Illinois " (found site through: --- I wanted you to know that I just uploaded a picture of a gentleman by the name of R.R Boynton to my website at Dead Fred's Genealogy Photo Archive ,,, Its a group photo of a Fraternity ..
Regards and Great site you have here
from Joe Bott --- Email: joe (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Nov 13, 2001 "Question about possible relative" (found site through: AOL , imagine that ? hah !) ---
I found a piece of broken pottery while duck hunting that says "BOYNTON & ???" ( rest is missing ) and says it's from "TROY
NY". looks to be from around turn of the century, found this one piece in the middle of the "Hudson river" above Troy,
just happens to be the part w/ the name on it. lucky, huh ? I have heard of "BOLTON & SONS" from Troy but that was an
early brewery. This appears to be a piece of a very large bowl or jug or jar (or whatever) from David Quinn --- Email:
DQ62SS (at)
[Boynton] Nov 22, 2001 "Thanks." --- You've done a wonderful job with your web site. If we can help you in your efforts, please let us know. Thanks. Jeff "Bo" Boynton from Jeffrey Boynton --- Email: boynton (at)
[Boynton] Nov 24, 2001 "Aurilla Katie Bouyington - my wife's great grandmother." (found site through: Google ) --- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
[Boynton] Nov 26, 2001 "useful site" (found site through: google) --- I have enjoyed visiting this site,very useful and informative.Thank you. from NAZAR DESSOUKI --- Email: nazar,dessouki (at)
[Boynton] Nov 27, 2001 "Great Site" (found site through: Google) ---
Hi, I just made a short visit to your site. Very nice pages. Keep it up. Regards, Yujin Boby --- Email: flashweb (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Dec 5, 2001 "Mathias Boynton" (found site through: --- Hello
My great x 5 grandfather was Mathias Boynton, born about 1728 in Sutton-on-Holderness, Yorkshire, England; he married Ann
Perrott on 23 November 1749 in Sutton-on-Holderness. They had four children, one of who was my great x 4 grandfather Mathias
Boynton. I am descended from his daughter Mary (so she is my great x 3 grandmother). Have you come across these people?
Yours sincerely, Anne from Anne Weyers --- Email: anneweyers (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Dec 5, 2001 "Acklam Hall" (found site through: Dogpile) --- I am an alumnus of Acklam Hall Grammar
School located on Hall Drive, in Middlesbrough in the U.K. I am developing a web site for my year at school (1955-1960) and
am wondering if anyone out there has a photo of the school building(owned at one time by the Boynton family) that I could
use on the site. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in anticipation, Trevor Elliot, Bellingham WA USA.--- Email:
teinbham (at)
[Boynton] Dec 8, 2001 "I am a decendent of William Boynton" (found site through: Google) --- I am a decendent of William Boynton who settled in Rowley,MA. I now reside in Rowley with my family. I have traveled to the Parish of Rowley ,England where Ezekiel Rogers had been a preacher- I traveled with my local church to see our roots. I had the opportunity to tour the Burton Agnes Manor which is a Boynton Mansion. from Judith Helen Boynton --- Email: jhrbutterfly (at)
[Boynton] Dec 10, 2001 "Joshua's son David's lineage to Lucius Darwin Boynton" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I'm looking for dates, places, and spouses down to my g-father Roy J. Boynton of Michigan (b. 1/1/1881) from Joshua Boynton (b. 5/4/1679 - d. 10/29/1770) who married Mary Dole 5/1708, had 5 sons: Jeremiah, David, Moses, Joshua, Enoch, and 8 daughters. I have only names for the descendents: Joshua Boynton -> David Boynton -> Samuel Boynton -> John Boynton -> Ezra Boynton -> Lucius Darwin Boynton -> Roy J. Boynton my grandfather who had two brothers, Elon and Perry. I would appreciate any information for this part of the lineage. from Dorothy Anne Boynton --- Email: Dorothy.A.Boynton (at)
[Boynton] Dec 10, 2001 "Boynton info - Jesse James connection?" hi doug. hope everything is good for you and your family. happy holidays .
I received a call from one of my cousins in California. he knows i'm working on genealogy, and had a question. Has there
ever been any connection that you have heard of linking the Boynton's to Jesse James? that caught me off guard so i'll
turn to the expert. this is the first time anybody has asked this question. when you get a chance, let me know. george
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[MBQ] Dec 13, 2001 (found site through: Just surfing) --- Great Site!I'll stop back again someday.← ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ → Keep up the good work.See ya Later,- Linda -
[Boynton] Dec 31, 2001 "Olin Fisk Boynton.Ct." --- Seeking Olin Fisk Boynton married to Anna Raymond, of Coventry and Salem, Ct. any connections??? from MM --- Email: genealogyadiction (at)
[Boynton] Jan 6, 2002 "Knowing other Boyntons" (found site through: AOL search) --- I am interested in meeting other Boyntons all over the world from James Michael Boynton --- Email: sexydaddy9985 (at)
[Boynton] Jan 7, 2002 "WOW" (found site through: --- Glad to have the information! from Merrill Boynton-Cheyne --- Email: merrie (at)
[Boynton] Jan 12, 2002 "My Quine Ancestry" (found site through: Random Search) --- I reside in Cambridgeshire England/father Charles/mother Wilhelmina/brothers Anthony and Philip/sisters Genevieve and Beverly.All born Manchester England,(Clifford and New York Street)fathers ancestry-Isle Of Man. Long and fruitfull life but allways with a need to know my roots.Even though my father,my elder brother and myself served a working lifetime in the Royal Air Force non of us knew another Quine,apart from immediate family. My son,Tobias, is also in the R.A.F. an engineer on Tornado 13Sqn.The line continues. I have only recently started my history search in earnest and have started with the Public Records Office in Manchester,The new U.K.1901 Census site,( currently out of action,Hope to research it soon. Your Home Page is terrific. Would it not be wonderfull to contact an otherwise unknown distant relation,but then again, maybe I have done,now. Regards.TQ from Tyrone Howard James Quine --- Email: ty.quine (at)
[Boynton] Jan 20, 2002 "Alice Boynton parents" Hi, my name is Margie, and Im looking for my grandmother Alice
Boynton's mother and fathers first names. It so happened that my mother never did tell us what her grandmother or
grandfathers frist names were. I would like to know if or which Boynton, John or William is their parent, If you happen to
find or know of this information I would be happy to have this information sent to me, thank you kindly, Margie --
email: synaptic_overload (at)
[Boynton] Jan 22 2002 "Merci Boynton circa 1650-1655" I have been told that a Merci Boynton lived in or around
Nottingham, NH. Can this be confirmed? Thanks, Jim Boynton --- email: focusnhinst (at)
Jim - In the Boynton genealogy book (page 44), I see a Mercy Boynton born Dec 5, 1651 in Rowley, Massachusetts
(north Massachusetts) daughter of John Boynton who had emigrated from England [his ancestors are listed at]. Mercy married Josiah Clark Dec 14, 1670 and later married a Mr. Hovey. Mercy died
Dec 22, 1730. I don't have a location. Hope this information helps - Doug see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Jan 23, 2002 "Boynton,Grout,Spooner,Stevens" (found site through: google) --- I am a related thru
Joanna Boynton b. 1712. She married John Grout I am researching the Grouts from Illinois. Harry who married Josephine Spooner
in Illinois had 8 daughters. Harrys father Stephen b. 1823 married Henrietta Fuller. I know that a Edith or Edna Grout married
a Stevens.Jeanne from Jeanne --- Email: jean21 (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Jan 24, 2002 "looking for connection" --- do you know if victoe george boynton /bull is related born jan 10 1937 in calif to not sure of fathers name think it was victor mothers name mary no last name she married a doc e bull. am i with the right family please let me know my e-mail is bmb1939 (at) hoping to hear from you real soon eather way . from barbara boynton --- Email: bmmb1939 (at)
[Boynton] Jan 26, 2002 "trying to find out about my grandfather kenneth boynton" --- any input would be nice.My grandfather lived most of his life in hornell ny. His wife was helen and my mothers name was jane. Thanks for any input from david boynton weed --- Email: baldy 45 (at)
[Boynton] Jan 28, 2002 "to change e-mail address on entry number 478 in guestbook " (found site through: google) --- I had previously entered in the guest book a query about Oliver Boynton and his wife, Lucretia Hodgdon. Douglas, how are you related to Oliver Boynton, b. 1743, to Asa Boynton as stated in family user page ? My e-mail address has been changed to spearjordan (at) Does anyone know the ancestry of Lucretia Hodgdon ? from Joy Spear Jordan --- Email: spearjordan (at)
[Boynton] Feb 10, 2002 "Made a connection" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I finally found my genealogy (pedigree) line, and matched up with William and Elizabeth (Jackson) Boynton on your tree. My 10 yr old son was doing an immigrant project for school, and was so happy that I directed him to your site. Together we explored. The coat of arms was new since I last visited. Thanks for your help. I was raised in Lynn, MA (Warren B. & Norma A. Hathaway Boynton) not far from the early roots. Love to hear from long lost relatives. from Leonard P. Boynton --- Email: LKAAA (at)
[Boynton] Feb 10, 2002 "Another Boynton checking in" --- Hi, I am a Boynton, living in Western New York. My family grew up in Massachusetts. I am 19 years old, and my father Leonard Boynton, son of Warren Boynton, gave me the address for this site..There is alot of useful information on here and I will be sure to bookmark this to come back more often. from Aaron Boynton --- Email: aaron.boynton (at)
[Boynton] Feb 11, 2002 "retracing Boynton Genealogy" (found site through: --- reguire imformmation on John Fredrick Boynton, born 15 Jan/1860 Middlecreek,Victoria.Also who his father and mother were and history off the above person as he was my Grand father, father. from wi. boynton --- Email: monet (at)
[Boynton] Feb 11, 2002 "Boynton Connections" (found site through: I created it) --- Dear Leonard -
Thank you for the nice note. I added the Coat of Arms after I was asked for details and it seemed a good idea to make it available to everyone.
I grew up in Boston. My mother (Marjorie Boynton Quine) came from Meriden CT. Her father, Augustus Swaine Boynton (Director of the first two Connecticut's vocational schools and then State Director of Vocational Education) lived much of his life in Meriden CT but he and my grandmother Alice Paine Boynton came from Groveland, MA. My great-grandfather was the grocer there. (He got the job the hard way, his father volunteered to fight in the Civil War, got killed, and left a family with the 13 year old as the eldest child who had to make a living for the family. Eventually he bought the grocery store.)
Best regards to your son - he has a very interesting family to trace - and a tremendous number of relatives online as you can see from our 4 large online guestbooks ... Best regards - from Douglas Boynton Quine --- Web Page:
[Boynton] Feb 24, 2002 "relations in the U.S" --- To any Boyntons in the U.S i will be visting New York between 14/3/02 to the 18/3/02 i will be comming from Liverpool,so if anyone would like to meet while im over then please let me know. from PAUL BOYNTON --- Email: PaulBoyo (at)
[Boynton] Mar 2, 2002 --- I am proud to be a Boynton and I am interested in learning more about my family tree. I am so happy to see a web page for the Boynton family. Thank you. from Meccah Boynton --- Email: mochab (at)
[Boynton] Mar 2, 2002 "N. Central Iowa branch" (found site through: Dogpile) --- My mother was adopted by JL Peterson of Webster City who married Hattie Bouynton so the info I have is of no direct value to my kids. On the chance that it might prove interesting to a real Bounton:
Baron Earl Boyunton born Feb 14, l835 at Jayl, Essex Co. NY. Married Mary Peck march 7, 1861. Moved to Homer, Ia. in l866 where he farmed until l900, died in l909 at Webster City, Ia. He had four sons -- Elmer, Charles,
Clarence and George and one daughter, Hattie, who became Mrs. JL Peterson. Besides adopting three children, they had one daughter of their own, Maree on March 6, 1901. She later married Dr. Bahne Bahnson. They lived
in Burt, Ia., where he practiced all his life. They had no children. from wallace vegors --- Email: vegors (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Mar 8, 2002 "Boynton-Conrey connection" (found site through: Int Exp) --- Our David Boynton Conrey maried Sarah Allen 1845 in Nashua NH. We think the link is Alice Blood's mother through Samuel Conrey. Any help or advice is welcome. there are several of us working on this so forgive any duplicate requests. Good hunting all, Dorothe from Dorothe Conrey --- Email: grananamom (at)
see response at April 21, 2002
[Boynton] Mar 8, 2002 "John Boynton, military record" (found site through: Google) --- I am searching for
documentation for the Revolutionary War service of my ancestor, John Boynton, who was born 30 Aug.1713, in Bradford, MA. I
have read that he died in 1777, while in the Army, and would like more information. John's wife was Mary Hancock- I descend
from their daughter, Hannah Boynton. I would also like to find a birth record for Hannah Boynton, born 18 June 1742, in
Haverhill, MA. Any help would be greatly appreciated. from Julie Alice Johnson --- Email: juliealice (at)
see response at April 21, 2002
[Boynton] Mar 10, 2002 "Anne Elizabeth Boynton 08 Jan 1836 - 07 June 1908" (found site through: --- My great-grandmother is buried in Mt. Olive (Lower)
cemetary in Cussetta GA. She was married to John Monroe Cook (burial unknown at this time) and had over nine children
including a set of male twins, which one is my grandfather, Arthur Keeton Cook. He is buried in the City of Cusseta (Upper)
cemetery next to his wife and my grandmother, Nannie Pearl Smith Cook. Three of thier children are also buried there as well.
Most of my maternal side of the family is now deceased. Many of the townspeople of Cussetta are related one way or another
through marriage. Cussetta is located near Ft. Benning GA which is also near Columbus GA. I will be glad to share any
information that I have. Feel free to email me. Best Regards! Holly
And yes..I have Hawaiian ancestory roots. from Holly Kauinana-Davis --- Email: Marionberry (at)
see reply below at April 21, 2002 - Doug
[Boynton] Mar 24, 2002 "boynton" (found site through: --- You are incredible. The research and information you have shared with this generation is so greatly appreciated. If you believe in a life after this. you grandchildren and future generations will and do applaude your effots. My grandmother was an advid geneologist. Her name was Wandrella Boynton Eggett. I am her grandson Tom Eggett. I appreciate all your efforts. What a legacy. egghead (at) from Tom Eggett --- Email: egghead (at)
[Boynton] Mar 27, 2002 (found site through: google) --- good work. from ngozi ikemere --- Email: ngozi_ikemere2000 (at)
[Boynton] Mar 30, 2002 (found site through: Google) --- We are interested in learning more about Boynton family history from Jane B. Boynton and Edmund S. Boynton --- Email: BoyntonJane (at), ESBoynton (at)
[Boynton] Apr 7, 2002 "A great Big THANK YOU!" --- The Boynton family is linked to my geneology in the 1600's. We had been at a quandry to find where William had come from. You have resolved this and added many generations to my tree.
Thank you for your efforts and your help. Stu from Stu Willard --- Email: Henry (at)
[Boynton] Apr 10, 2002 "search for Chester A. Boynton" (found site through: --- A quick question.
I am looking for information about my Grandfather's brother: Chester A Boynton, born July 20, 1900 in Lynn, Massachusetts.
Honorably discharged, as an "investigator" from military service in 1945 (age 45). "seperated" from wife of unknown name.
Address on discharge, Minseral Spring Ave, Pawtucker RI. Dont know anything else. You havent come across any metnion of him
have you? Many thanks. Dick Carlson, McLean VA. from Richard Carlson --- Email: carlsonkw (at)
see response at April 21, 2002
[Boynton] Apr 10, 2002 "Boynton O'Brien" (found site through: --- Has anyone there ever heard of Boynton O'Brien, who in 1878 founded the Boynton Academy (which apparently disappeared w/o a trace at some unknown date)in Lexington County, SC. He may have lived from 1844 to 1896, and may have immigrated from Ireland with his brother, or he may have been born in Virginia. In 1879 he may
have married a Mary Magdalene Hutto, and their daughters may have married a Wingard and a Watts. O'Brien, the great great
grandfather of a distant cousin of mine, may have also used the given name Avery and/or Woodrow, and may have been involved
in the murder of a John Owens, either in Ireland or in America. His daughters were probably named Virginia (Wingard) and
Lillie or Lulla (Watts). We don't know if he had any connection to the Boynton surname, but he did apparently found a
Boynton Academy. from Adin Lucas --- Email: as36 (at)
[Boynton] Apr 11, 2002 "desendent of john&william boynton" (found site through: yahoo) --- please contact would like to hear from anyone with boynton info from brendabowes --- Email: betty1boop (at)
[Boynton] Apr 19, 2002 "finding my history." (found site through: msn) --- my dads name was donald edwin boynton,were from Ill.Ilive in boynton beach fl.Am I related to nathan boynton,who founded boynton beach fl.thanks alot. from Brian K Boynton --- Email: inktwin (at)
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Boynton Family" --- Hello my name is PAUL BOYNTON I live in LIVERPOOL ENGLAND. If I can help with any information about this subject please ask. from Paul Boynton --- Email: PaulBOYO (at)
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Anne Elizabeth Boynton 08 Jan 1836 -" --- Holly - Thank you for
the details - my Boynton book from 1897 lists all your great-grandmother's ancestors (she is listed page 107) back to 1067
(as shown at my web site). It indicates that Ann E. has 12 children with John Cook. It also shows that she was one of 7
children of John Boynton (born 1801) who was killed by his horses in 1845. John's father Moses Boynton moved from Vermont
to Georgia. Moses' father Amos Boynton was at the battle of Bunker Hill under General Arnold .... Regards - Doug
Douglas Boynton Quine
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "John Boynton, military record" --- Julie - I've found the
listing for your John Boynton in the Boynton family history (published 1897) page 68. All that it says is
"It is said that he d. (died) in the army in 1777, in a barn used as a barrack by the soldiers. Elisha Andrews watched by
him the night he died." It also lists his 8 children including Hannah born as you indicated and married first to Samuel
Hazeltine Feb 18, 1768 who died in 1776 and then she married 2nd Captain John Lane on Sept. 21, 1777.
Regards - Doug
Douglas Boynton Quine
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Boynton-Conrey connection" --- Dorothe - I've searched my Boynton
family history book from 1897 and there is no mention of any Sarah Allen nor any David Boynton Conrey. Sorry I can't help.
Perhaps another reader can help. Regards - Doug
Douglas Boynton Quine
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "N. Central Iowa branch" --- Wallace - My Boynton family history
book provides a link to Baron E. Boynton (not Bouynton) on page 101 with a birthdate of 1835. His ancestors are then traced
all the way back to the brothers who immigrated to America in the 1600's and then back to the first recorded Boynton in 1067!
Your Baron E Boynton was one of 8 children of Nathaniel Boynton born April 6, 1799. Thanks for the update! Regards - Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "search for Chester A Boynton " --- Dick -
I regret that I have no information - my reference book was published in 1897 and therefore cannot cover anyone born in
1900. If he is no longer living, I would suggest checking the USA social security database - it is open for search after
a person dies. It is listed at many genealogy web sites or you can go to the social security administration web site.
Regards, Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Boynton O'Brien" --- Dear Adin -
I've checked my family history book which goes up to 1897 and there is no mention of Boynton O'Brien. None of my other
sources helped either. I'd certainly be interested if you find anything. from Doug --- Web Page:
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Henry H Boynton, son of Horace Boynton" --- David - I regret to
be so slow in answering your note - I just rediscovered it in a pile of missing email. My Boynton book was published in
1897 and therefore requires someone who was alive before about 1892 to be listed. Do you have the name of a
great-grandfather? Regards - Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Jesse James link to Boynton? (long overdue reply)" --- George -
Sorry for the very long delay in responding ; I had a pile of messages buried which I just uncovered. My Boynton book from
1897 makes no mention of Jesse James - there is mention of a Chester N. James who married Caroline A Boynton and moved to
Augusta, Kansas which he designed and named after her. Regards - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Mathias Boynton (late response)" --- Anne - I'm sorry for the delay - I found your message
in a missing pile of email messages. The Boynton family from Yorkshire, England is the one that I descend from, however,
my branch came to America in the 1630's and therefore the listing does not metion yourt relatives from the 1700's. I do
suspect, however, if you look at my list from before 1630 in the UK that we have common ancestors: Regards - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Boynton, Grout, Spooner, Stevens (late response to Jan 23, 2002 message)" --- Jeanne -
Yes, the Boynton family history book published in 1897 details Joanna Boynton and the marriage to Col. John Grout, their
13 (that is a record to me for the family) children. Her ancestors are known back to 1067. Regards - Doug
[Douglas Boybton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Hazel Claire Boyington" (original message posted Oct 6, 2001) --- Helen, I am very
sorry for the long delay in answering - I found a stack of unanswered email recently. I regret that I am not able to
provide any information on your husband's paternal grandmother, Hazel Claire Boyington. My Boynton book (which also
includes some Boyington) was published in 1897 and therefore does poorly for people who were born after about 1892. If you
get data from another source please post it. My Byington / Boynton book does not include any Boyingtons. Regards - Doug
[Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Chester and Cora Boynton (delayed response to Oct 6, 2001 message)" --- Jenny - I'm
sorry that I can't help. My reference book was published in 1897 and therefore your great grandfather Chester probably
just missed getting in by the time the data was gathered. If you get data from another source please post it. Regards
- Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Mercy Boynton (answer to Oct 22, 2002 message long delayed)" --- Jim - I regret the delay
in responding to you - I just uncovered a large pile of unansweered email. My Boynton book published in 1897 does not
mention a Merci Boynton. It does mention a Mercia M Boynton born in 1828 in Canton, Ohio and a Mercy Boynton born Dec 5,
1651 and died Dec 22, 1730 who was born in Rowley, Mass (near New Hampshire). She married Josiah Clark on Dec 14, 1670 and
later married a Mr. Hovey. Her father John came to America from England in 1638 (which then traces back along the long list I have posted at:
Hope this helps. - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "GEORGE WASHINGTON BOYNTON - found? [response to message from Oct 10, 2001]" --- Rickard
- I'm sorry to take so long to answer
- your email was lost at the bottom of a large stack. My Boynton family history book from 1897 may have a clue to your
grandfather on page 201. There was an Alden B. Boynton (born Nov 27, 1820) who married Frances Gertrude Taylor on Feb 19,
1859 and lived in Norton, Mass. They had 5 children, the 5th being a George W. Boynton (no date given). There are too many
George Boyntons (even the George W list was 12 entries and took a while) in the book to search all the others at this time.
The history of the Alden Boynton ancestors links to my list and then goes with it back to 1067! Hope this helps. Regards -
Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Matthias Boynton's family" [original message July 20, 2001] --- Hello Doug, Many
thanks for your reply. I was interested in your comments. Sadly, I don't know the family before the 1700s; I can't find
Matthias Boynton's father, let alone before that. So, unless someone has done some research of my branch before Matthias. we
may never know! Thank you anyway. I was really interested in your web page and the historical detail. I bet there's a link
somewhere. Yours sincerely from Anne --- Email: AnneWeyers (at)
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Walter Lewis Boynton [original message July 20, 2001]" --- Kathy - I regret the long
delay in responding to you. I have just uncovered a large pile of unanswered email. Walter Lewis Boynton is not listed
as such in my Boynton history book. I did find:
1/ David Boynton born in 1830 (married 1st Julia Hancock and then later a Sarah ?) with 5 children named George, Walter,
Ellen, Charles, and Bessie - page 257 of the Boynton history. (this would mean the father was 57 when Walter was born).
2/ Joseph Boynton (oldest brother born in 1829 - no birthdate for Joseph but likely born after 1830) who married Julia
Bardwell and had 3 children: Walter, Gilbert, Frank, and Pearl - page 138 of the Boynton history
The 3rd Walter in the book was born in 1813 and died in 1837 (page 27). All other Walters had middle initials listed
that were not "L". Good luck. Regards - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 21, 2002 "Sir Matthew Boynton (late response)" --- Lee - I regret the extreme delay in responding
to your message - I've just uncovered a pile of unanswered email.
1/ My sources explain nothing of the relationship between Sir Matthew Boynton and William / John Boynton. It seems clear
that they were just two brothers - however their father was one of 6 children so they could have had any number of cousins of
similar age. Note also that the Boynton family loved to repeat the father's name with the son so often it is hard to keep
generations straight.
2/ The Boynton book mentioned at my web site ( lists the 21 generations before America in 3
pages and then lists about 7 pages of wills from various English family members.. Best regards - Doug [Douglas Boynton
Quine] (regarding message below:)
Hi Doug.
your site is fantastic. With your help, I've been able to trace my heritage. I am of decent of John Boynton (b. 1614) who is
brother of you GrGrGrGr..father
William (b. 1605).
Question: You mention a Sir Matthew Boynton (who sailed w/ Oliver Cromwell) in your site (your generation #23); of what
relation might he be to brothers John and William (mentioned above) ?
Question: Of all the sites that I've found, I found info that brothers Wm and John also had brothers Matthew and Richard.
Most info out there indicates that there were just the two brothers and not the four. Can you tell me what you might know?
Also, can you refer me to any specific Boynton genealogy Books that detail pre-17th century Boynton history? Any info
will be helpful.
Lee Clayton Boynton. email to: leeboynton (at)
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Mary Boynton Rollins (late response to Oct 20, 2001 mmessage)" --- Marcia - It appears that
the Methusaleh
Boynton you are referring to is the one listed on page 34 of the Boynton history book. He was born Nov 17, 1777 (he and
all his ancestors back to 1067 are listed at my web site: He was my great great great
grandfather. His children were: Methusaleh Boynton (junior) born May 4, 1807, Mary Ann Boynton born Aug 2, 1809 (I assume
your relative), Charles Boynton born May 9, 1812 (my great great grandfather), Abraham D Boynton born March 12, 1814, Enoch
Boynton born June 12 1816, and Mary Boynton born Feb 29 1780. Unfortunately I have no information about Mary Ann Boynton
although all of her brothers have details listed. Regards - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Loyal Boynton" Looking for a lead on Boynton family (long delayed response) Bob - I
regret the long delay in responding to you. I just uncovered a pile of unanswered email. I regret that I have no
information about Loyal Boynton - my reference book, however, was publsihed in 1897 and therefore has no information about
people unless they were born by about 1892. You might try checking the social security records if your grandfather is no
longer living - those records become public after death. Good luck. - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "George Rufus Boynton (late reply to Aug 22, 2001 message )" --- Jimmy - The Boynton book
fits the information that you provided. Page 41 lists a David Boynton born March 5 1830 who married Julia Hancock. (page
257 details): first wife Julia Hancock and then 2nd wife Sarah ?. the 5 children were: George R (your ancestor), Walter,
Ellen, Charles S, and Bessie.
Infornation about David Boynton and his ancestors (father, also David Boynton, grandfather John Boynton, great
grandfather also John Boynton, GGGF William Boynton, GGGGF Joshua Boynton, GGGGGF William Boynton, etc) is available
( going back to 1067!
Remarkably, another letter I answered last hour (kathystansbury (at) ALSO asked about this same family -
they seemed to be related to Walter! Regards - Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Betham's History and genealogy of the Baronets of Boynton" (question posted Oct 29, 2001)
--- I regret the delay in responding to your request - I have been uncovering a pile of old email. The book you are
requesting shows as being available from "" - good luck!
Reprint of Betham's Hist. Gen & Baronets of the Boynton Family in England. J. Boynton 40 pg $ 7.50 (1884)
Regards - Doug
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "andrew boynton b. 1736 banks of newfoundland (late response to Sept 5, 2001 message)" ---
Frances - I regret
the long delay in responding to you. I just uncovered a pile of unanswered email. I have found information which is so
similar that it likely relates to your relatives although the names and dates differ. There is no Ezekial listed that
matches your description. There are 2 Ezekiel but the dates and family names don't seem close. Boynton book page 68
talks about Andrew Boynton born Jan 10 1719. Lived in Bradford in 1741 when he sold his interest in the estate of his
grandfather (John). Later in 1769 and 1770 records of him purchasing land in Slip town and Peterborough Slip. [his father
was Ichabod Boynton, grandfather was John Boynton, great grandfather was another John Boynton). This history is known back
to 1067. Boynton book page 163 talks about David Boynton, Ebenezer Boynton, Andrew Boynton, Daniel Boynton who are all
believed to be sons of the above Andrew Boynton. They were all born in Grafton County NH and moved to Windsor Co., Vermont.
The family of Andrew (junior) is also traced in detail but the other 3 brothers have little further information. Regarding
Daniel Boynton the comment is also made that there were 3 sisters. (the book recognizes that the data is very fragmentary).
Hope this helps. Certainly going back from Andrew the data is rich. Regards - Doug [Douglas Boynton Quine]
[Boynton] April 22, 2002 "andrew boynton b. 1736 banks of newfoundland" Thank you very much for responding to my email
dated 9/5/01, I sincerely appreciate it. My original email had an error, one of the sons for Andrew Boynton was Ebeneezer
not Ezekial. I have received the military records for Daniel Boynton from the National Archives and he fought in the War
of 1812. He was a private in the 21st US Infantry and he enlisted on March 11, 1814. He was 5' 11" tall, had blue eyes,
sandy hair and medium complexion. He was 23 years old at the time of his enlistment and was born in Salem, Watertown
County Vermont. He could also read and write. He first served with Capt S Burbanks Company, Book 1813-1814 joined March
17, 1814, present April, may & July 1814. Capt L Bradford's Company Book 1814 & 1815, Month Returned, Sacketts Harbor, Oct
31, Nov 30, Month Returned & SAMR Dec 31, 1814, Month Returned January 31, DR Capt Ira Drews Company Feb 16th, DR March DR
LT. G.W. Jacobs 5 US Infantry, Detroit, Aug 31, DR Capt J.H. Vases Co. Lost his left arm at Fort Erie - discharged at
Greenbush on March 14, 1815. Additonal pension papers that I have says he received a pension of $8.00 per month. Hope to
hear from you soon. Daniel's wife's name was Dearbrah .
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "searching for Edna Boynton-b. (at) 1850-65?" --- I am searching for information of my
great grandmother edna Boynton from the Maine, Ma. area.. She married Timothy Curtin and had 3 children Alden, Robert and a
daughter. Children were born in the early 1900's the first being around 1918. from candace m. corthell --- Email:
lcorthell (at)
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Boynton of Groveland, Ma." --- In reading further of Marjorie Boynton...I realized my
grandfather was born and raised in So. groveland Ma. and his name is Alden C. Curtin. His mother was Edna Boynton m. to
Timothy Curtin. Edna was a teacher, and divorced my great-grandfather around 1925-30.She must have been born around
1885-1890?or later. My grandfather was raised on salem street in So. Groveland.I can't find any record of my
greatgrandmother anywhere in these records. could it be she changed her name in embarresment of her divorce/separation from
my great grandfather? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance, Candace M. Corthell from candace M.
Corthell --- Email: lcorthell (at)
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Elusive Mary Boynton" --- Hello, Thank you for remembering my search for Mary Boynton.
In spite of hours of searching ( obviously not the right kind) I am no more advanced in my search. Mary remains the
stumbling block in my granddaughters' search for Rev. War connection. I did learn that some of her family ( I think a ;
nephew) moved to S.E. Ohio. I hoped that there was a historical society in the area thatmight have some dusty records about
the Boyntons. ( I live in Ohio) They did not even respond. Maybe i will try again although I have learned that most
second tries are not productive ever. Mary died in about 1845 in Oneida County, N.Y. That is some iffy information that I
have picked up lately.... can't find records of her death though. I think her husband was not the most reliable person...he
kept moving on and on to the West never really accomplishing anything worthy of records. Keep me in mind about any further
discoveries. from Marcia Jolitz
[Boynton] Apr 22, 2002 "Edna Boynton" --- Candace - I may have found your great-grandmother (Boynton book
page 188). There are 3 Edna Boyntons in my family history book but 2 are much too early for you. The 3rd "Edna P. Boynton"
was born in 1881 - perhaps in Hollis NH. This makes sense if she had her first child in 1918. If she had been born in 1850
- 1865 she would have been between 53 and 68 which is impossible back then. Born in 1881 she would have been 37. Her
parents were John L. Boynton (born Jan 19, 1844) who married J. Luetta Fletcher on Feb 13, 1873. Edna had an older brother
Herman D Boynton born in 1876 and died 4 years later. She had a younger sister Anna L. Boynton born in 1883. The history
book ends at that time. I do have her ancestors going back to 1067 (Grandfather Joshua Boynton, GGF Isaac Boynton, GGGF
Isaac Boynton, GGGGF Abraham Boynton, GGGGGF Samuel Boynton, GGGGGGF John Boynton who came to America in 1638. My Boynton
web page shows the generations back before that: Hope this helps and fits. from Douglas
Boynton Quine --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] Apr 26, 2002 "Query if related" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I was thinking that I don't know a great deal of the family on my Fathers side so thought I'd check on the web ...
My father was born in 1900 but I don't know anything beyond this, his name was Kimberley Rhodes Boynton had two children by a first marriage, I am the only natural child by a second marriage. I have a sister who is adopted. from Marion Jarvis nee Boynton --- Email: marion.jarvis (at)
[Boynton] Apr 26, 2002 "Benjamin Boynton Jr." (found site through: MSN) --- Am looking for info on Benjamin Boynton JR. m Addie Bateman Children are Elmer, Vesper and Elnora from Cinda Lynn Boynton Fairfield --- Email: osj (at)
[Boynton] Apr 26, 2002 "Boynton Geanology" --- Do you have any migration information from Elijah Snow Boynton, Amos Boynton, (son) died in Waller County Texas.
I am trying to research Elijah's migration back from Henry County, GA. from Patricia Boynton Dunn --- Email: pat.dunn (at)
[Boynton] May 7, 2002 "Tracing my mothers lineage" (found site through: Google) --- I was surfing the net and looked up Boynton as I was interested in finding out some History on Burton Agnes Hall. My mother is a Boynton born in Brooklyn New York. Dorothy Martin (nee Boynton) I want to trace our family tree. My mother has told me of the family tracing back to 1066 William the Conqueror. I find it all so fascinating. If anyone knows any information please contact me on terri.muse (at) Many thanks. from Theresa Henderson --- Email: terri.muse (at)
[Boynton] May 9, 2002 "Paul Boynton" --- My great, great, great granfather was Paul Boynton born 1792 died 1869
married to Nancy Anna Wheeler born 1793 died 1894
daughter of Nancy Perkins Boynton, born 1817 died 1907 buried in Oakwood cemetary in Troy NY (my great great grandmother)
Also an Emily Boynton buried there. Does this fit in anywhere with your family?
I would be interested in any information on other ancestors of this Paul Boynton.
from Anita Wells --- Email: anitawells (at)
[Boynton] May 9, 2002 "Paul Boynton" --- My great, great, great granfather was Paul Boynton born 1792 died 1869
married to Nancy Anna Wheeler born 1793 died 1894
daughter of Nancy Perkins Boynton, born 1817 died 1907 buried in Oakwood cemetary in Troy NY (my great great grandmother)
Also an Emily Boynton buried there. Does this fit in anywhere with your family?
I would be interested in any information on other ancestors of this Paul Boynton.
from Anita Wells --- Email: anitawells (at)
[Boynton] May 15, 2002 --- Thanks for all of your hard work. :) from Jennifer Boynton --- Email: jencarpediem (at)
[Boynton] May 16, 2002 "How to trace my french family name in England" (found site through: --- Dear sir or Madam, I am trying to trace my family name of
On some databases My name is reconised as all in one word,i-e Destaubin,My name is of french origin and i have a coat of arms that dates back to king Louie of france.
I would be greatful for any help you can give me.
Respectfully Yours.
Mr John from Mr --- Email: (at)
[Boynton] May 17, 2002 (found site through: Searched on net for Boynton) --- Very interesting website from Ron Boynton --- Email: Ronboynton (at)
[Boynton] May 19, 2002 "Returning with Boynton search" (found site through: Michard) --- My Grandmother Nancy Ruby Boynton was born in Mattawamkeag Maine to a Ida
Boynton B.June 29 1887, and she was raised by Rubin F Boynton b. Feb 1855 d.October
27, 1918 Does anyone out there know where he fits into the Boynton line.
His resting place is in Hill Side Rest Cemetery also known as The Old Medway Cemetery.
jjad from Jacky Doucet --- Email: plumbing (at)
[Boynton] May 20, 2002 "John Boynton" --- I am the 9th great-granddaughter of John Boynton and his wife Elenor Pell. Anyone else out there with this same line? I would enjoy meeting new cousins! from Helen Benham- Gallagher --- Email: HGALLAg905 (at)
[Boynton] May 20, 2002 "Virginia Boyntons?" --- Hi, do you have any of your Boyntons' (boyington) that may have found their way to Virginia? and on to Missouri?
I have a Mary C. Boynton (mulatto), who is listed as having a father from Virginia. Do you know if any of your Boyntons' might have been slaveowners? I have a photo of Mary, she certainly looks more white than anything else, she married a fellow mulatto; Felix Amoureux in Ste. Genevieve, MO.
Thanks for your attention,
Kathy G. from Kathy Grant --- Email: jazzykattee (at)
[Boynton] May 20, 2002 "Possible Boynton ancestors" (found site through: google/Mormon church site) --- My grandmother was Edith Boynton, her father William McLean Boynton. Supposedly his father was a famous minister.
My grandmother (born 1869) grew up on the Eastern Shore of MD on a farm. Supposedly her father went bankrupt and died
while she was young owing to being cheated on construction of railroad grade in the area.
I am looking for any information on earlier ancestors, but don't see anything so far on your site, except the antiquity of
the Boynton name, and its alternate spelling. Very interesting
Any ideas would be welcome. from Arthur W. Rose --- Email: rose (at)
[Boynton] May 20, 2002 "Henry D. Boynton" (found site through: --- Henry D. Boynton (born Washington DC 1886)was my greatgrandfather, Henry Boyntons father was born in OHIO, Henrys Mother was born in Maine I do not know their names. Henry D. Boynton married Adelaide (Addie)Eugenia Lowell, Addie was born in Virginia around 1886 I believe her parents were born in Virginia as well I do not know where they resided in Va, ALL I know is their last name was LOWELL. According to the 1920 census Henry AND Adelaide Boynton resided at 1233 B st SE Washington DC BY 1920 they had four children Mildred L. Boynton ( I believe her nickname was MIM) Lillian Maude (Maudie) Boynton (Cardwell she married Dr.John L. Cardwell they were my grandparents)they have two children Jack (my father) and Linda( my
aunt) Lillian Maude Boynton Cardwell passed away April 2,1990 and Dr John L. Cardwell passed away December 21,2000 they are both buried at the Presidio San Francisco, Ca. Lived in Sacramento, Ca. and prior to that they lived in Menlo Park ,Ca.the next child born to Henry and Addie was Frances E. Boynton (Fran) and Charles W. Boynton I think there were two more children but I am not sure? I met my greatgrandparents in the mid 1960'S ( I was probably 4 or 5) during one of their visits to my granparents house and have fond memories of that visit! I am looking for anyone whom is directly related to this branch of the Boyntons that can help me fill in the blanks? please email me directly if anyone has any info, Regards, Holly Cardwell Scalia from Holly Cardwell Scalia --- Email: h_scalia (at)
[Boynton] May 26, 2002 "I am a boynton" --- I live in newcastle upon tyne and i was wondering whether the boynton family history can be traced to 1066 and the battle of hastings because i was told the boyntons fought for the normans from Jack Boynton
[Boynton] May 27, 2002 "Paul Boynton family" (found site through: my web site) --- Anita -
Paul Boynton's marriage to Nancy Wheeler in 1814 is listed on page 116 of the Boynton book. It also mentions that she
lived to be 100 years and 11 months old together with providing some informations about their moves (Newton Falls, to
Vermont...). Their 10 children are listed with birth, death, marriage dates and children.
Paul Boynton's father was Major Paul Boynton born Oct 21, 1751 (page 115)
his father was Ephraim Boynton
his father was Joseph Boynton
his father was Joseph Boynton (same name)
his father was John Boynton who came from England in 1638 (this is the connection that then leads back to 1067 if you
look at:
Each of these individuals have information regarding their birth / death dates and spouses and descendents.
Best regards - from Douglas Boynton Quine --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] May 27, 2002 "early Boynton History and the Normans" (found site through: my web page) --- Theresa -
If you go to you will see the family listing back to the 1060 era. The guestbooks are also FULL
of family details - including those in Australia. The trick is to see where you link in. My reference book ends in 1897.
If you know the names of Boynton relatives who were alive before then (and especially if you know the name of the spouse as
well) I'll try to look for you and see if I can find any of your ancestors. Regards - from Doug ---
Web Page:
[Boynton] May 27, 2002 "John Boynton descendants" (found site through: my web site) --- Helen, As you can see,
we are distant cousins as I also descend from John Boynton and Ellen / Eleanor / Helen Pell (
The guest books at this web site contain hundreds of entries from your other distant cousins. Best regards from Douglas
Boynton Quine --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] May 31, 2002 "Polly Boynton" (found site through: USGenWeb of Essex Co, MA) --- Looking for additional in on Mary 'Polly' Boynton, b. 1762, Pomfret, VT. Daughter of Andrew Jr > Andrew Sr > Ichabod > John Jr > John Sr > William Boynton of Rowley, MA. The Boyntons were neighbors of my ancestor, John Dresser, in Rowley in 1638. This Polly Boynton also married a John Dresser, but I haven't found his parents. Do you happen to have any information on them? from Jim Dresser --- Email: Jim (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 1, 2002 "John Aaron Boyington" (found site through: boyington was typed in.) --- There is a Rena posting on your site searching for a John Aaron Boyington line; he was born in SC in 1805 and was in 1850 Lawrence County, Ms. His wife was Elizabeth Burgess, mother in the home named Anna. I have tried to e-mail her site today and it comes back,it is not a working number. If she sees this please ask her to contact me. John's daughter Mary Ann"Margaret" Boyington married Allen Solomon Jordan in Çopiah, MS. All these persons are my great
grandparents. I believe she is looking for descendants of Harmon, who was a brother to my Mary Ann. I am trying to learn the father of John Aaron Boyington.
Thank you. Mary Sandel --- Email: msandel (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 1, 2002 "I have just placed a note on site 695. This is in re sponse to site 474-Rena" (found site through: Internet explorer) --- I did not have the number of Rena's posting,when I posted to no. 695. Her number was 474. She is looking for persons
who are children of my gr. grandparent. John Aaron
Boyington b. 1805 SC wife Elizabeth Burgess. Mother in law Anna Burgess. In the 1850 Lawrence MS census. from Mary Sandel --- Email: msandel (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 3, 2002 "......" (found site through: ....) --- igbo from Godwin --- Email: godwin_agha (at) Web Page: ......
[Boynton] Jun 5, 2002 "What is the link to the African-American Boyntons?" (found site through: AOL) --- Where and when is the African/American Boyntons'origin/link? from Jennifer D. Boynton --- Email: jboynton_99 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 11, 2002 "Asa Boynton (1760-19837) son of Nathanial (1712-1762)" --- Hello. I have DAR pape
rs showing the anscestor as being Asa Boynton as noted above. Asa was the son of Nathanial and they are descended from the
immigrant brother, John. Can you fill in the information from John's marriage to Helen Pell to Nathanial and Asa? I am not
sure who is Nathanial's father, or his father. I have information post Asa, ie his children, etc. and after if you need or
want any of that. Thank you. from Jean Lawler --- Email: jlawler2 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 14, 2002 "LOOKING FOR VICTOR G. BOYNTON" (found site through: msi) --- any info on victor g.
boynton d.o.b. jan 7 1935 (appx yr.)any info please e mail me at above e address thank you. v. boynton II from Victor G.
Boynton II --- Email: boyntonsrule (at) Web Page: boyntonsrule
[MBQ] Jun 19, 2002 --- Very good. from carlos_costa --- Email: carlos_costa81 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jun 25, 2002 "Amos Boynton - Civil War Information" (found site through: --- Amos Boynton, son of Elijah Snow Boynton, is my great grandfather. Some information I have on his civil war records are that he enlisted in the confederate army at Old Washinton on September 3, 1863 at age 45 and served under Capt. Thomas L. Scott of the 23rd Texas Brigade commanded by General John Sayles and was stationed at Camp Randle.
I am looking for information about his war records such as what rank, when discharged, any battles fought. Any other information about this ancestor would also be appreciated. from patricia boynton dunn --- Email: pldunn (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 4, 2002 "captain george b. boynton" (found site through: unsure) --- I have a book about captain george b. boynton, considered the first 'soldier of fortune", written in 1911, just wondering if you are related.
from cindy thomas --- Email: cindyjo1 (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 12, 2002 "Decendant of John Boynton (Yorkshire, England)" --- My great greats came from the northeast, mainly from CT, then scattered. My great great grandfather was Moses Byington (w. Mary Ann White). They moved to TN/VA area and two of their sons settled here. I have a copy of my genealogy back to Torchell Boynton but I am very interested in more personal info. Photos etc. I am interested in learning anything about my ancestors and will respond to all. I live in the Kingsport, TN area which is at tge SW Virginia state line. from Victoria Anne Byington --- Email: vbcatw (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 15, 2002 "please email me or call" (found site through: aol) --- its your old friend from cristina angles --- Email: cristinasniffles (at) Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 27, 2002 "old friend" --- hi guys hows singing its me the crazy person you know! from Cristina angles --- Email: Web Page:
[Boynton] Jul 28, 2002 "Asa Boynton ancestors" Dear Jean - I think you are in luck (it was a slow search because Asa and Nathaniel were both common Boynton names). The Boynton (1896) book lists (with a paragraph or so on each plus a listing of their children)
Asa Boynton (born March 4, 1760) - the 11th of 12 children - page 65, 5th generation
Nathaniel Boynton (born Aug. 18, 1712, married Mary Stewart of Rowley) - page 65, 4th generation [he was shipwrecked with 50 others near Annis Quam, Cape Ann (Mass) and lost May 13, 1762]
(Sergt.) Richard Boynton (born Nov. 11, 1675, died Dec 25, 1732, married Sarah Dresser of Rowley on Dec 24, 1701) - page 51, 3rd generation
(Capt., Town Clerk, representative to General Court) Joseph Boynton (born 1644, married Sarah Swan of Rowley [he remarried 2nd Elizabeth Wood in 1720 after Sarah died in 1717]) - page 46, 2th generation
John Boynton (born March 4, 1760) - page 44, 1st generation in America
(my web site will then take you back to 1070 - about another 30 generations). I'd welcome the descendants if you want
to add them to the guest book. Regards - Douglas Quine
[Boynton] Jul 30, 2002 "Origins of Norman ancestors of Torchill de Bovington of Brix France, any France web sites?" (found site through: Yahoo, France
version) --- I traced my ancestors back from John and Caroline Farnham Boyntons
1897 book that I found in Newburyport Mass library. I am a direct desendant of William Boynton of Rowley Mass. The line of asendancy follows :
William 1
Joshua 2
Joshua 3
Enoch 4
Enoch 5
Methusaleh 6
Methusaleh 7 changed to Alfred Jan 1826 Newbury Mass
Charles W. 8 Born july 7th 1843 Harrisville OH
Hallam O. 9 Born Apr 25th 1876 Brooklyn NY
Richard M. 10 Born Nov.18,1901 Portland Ore
Craig Allan Boynton 11 Born aug 31 1946 Portland Ore
Please contact me if you wish and or pass this info along to other family members: Craig A. Boynton 2835 N.E. 64th, Portland Oregon 97213... from Craig Allan Boynton --- Email: my400cat2002 (at)
[Boynton] Aug 3, 2002 "Boynton Family History" --- I have been collecting Boynton History in Winona County MN for many years;
have the Boynton Family History by John Farnham & Caroline (Harriman) Boynton; have both Granville Boynton in Winona MN; and our line which is Iram, son
of David and Asenath; Iram's son Addison and his 14 children; will share info. Norma J. Benson, 671 W 5th, Winona MN 55987 from Norma J. Benson ---
Email: njbenson (at)
[Boynton] Jul 30, 2002 "Origins of Norman ancestors of Torchill de Bovington
of Brix France, any France web sites?" (found site through: Yahoo, France
version) --- I traced my ancestors back from John and Caroline Farnham Boyntons
1897 book that I found in Newburyport Mass library. I am a direct desendant of
William Boynton of Rowley Mass. The line of asendancy follows : William 1 Joshua
2 Joshua 3 Enoch 4 Enoch 5 Methusaleh 6 Methusaleh 7 changed to Alfred Jan 1826
Newbury Mass Charles W. 8 Born july 7th 1843 Harrisville OH Hallam O. 9 Born Apr
25th 1876 Brooklyn NY Richard M. 10 Born Nov.18,1901 Portland Ore Craig allan
Boynton 11 Born aug 31 1946 Portland Ore PLease conntact me if you wish and or
pass this info along to other family members: Craig A. Boynton 2835 N.E. 64th,
Portland Oregon 97213... from Craig Allan Boynton --- Email:
my400cat2002 (at)
Feedback and Boynton Family Guest Books by Douglas Quine