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DBQ Web Ring

Music Web Sites: DBQ

Philatelic Web Sites: DBQ

WVQ Web Pages by DBQ


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Douglas Boynton Quine - home page
link to professional resume

[SafeSurf Rated All Ages] Douglas Boynton Quine is a family man, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and explorer. My exploration of technology led to the creation of this web page as a "favorite" web site list in 1996. As these web pages expanded, new knowledge led to innovation, patent applications, and ultimately 49 awarded US patents. I have created over 150 web pages across five themes or web rings: family, philately / postal automation, the Beatles, the philosophy of Willard Van Orman Quine, and myself. These web pages have developed substantial guest books with correspondence from visitors - especially the Beatles, Boynton family, and Willard V. Quine sites.

[ICRA Rated All Ages] In 2004, this page was reconfigured to become my home page pointing to the various web pages (with over 2,890,000 visits to date). The Douglas Quine favorite links are maintained with new material in my more favorite links web page. I may be reached by email at: [webmaster]

Douglas B. Quine through the years

Douglas Quine photograph 1951 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1954 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1959 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1963 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1969 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1973 / Douglas Boynton Quine
1951 1954 1959 1963 1969 1973

Douglas Quine photograph 1979 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1981 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1988 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 1998 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 2001 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 2005 / Douglas Boynton Quine
1979 1981 1988 1998 2001 2005

Douglas Quine photograph 2010 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 2015 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 2017 / Douglas Boynton Quine Douglas Quine photograph 2022 / Douglas Boynton Quine
2010 2015 Antarctica 2017 March for Science 2022 retirement day

Around the World in 28 Days: Photographs and Haiku by Douglas B. Quine (2025)

[Book Cover] [Book Back] ----------- Book overview -----------

We traveled Around the World in
28 Days admiring the beauty
everywhere including the lilac-
breasted roller, the Japanese
Imperial Gardens, and even the
street art of bisected passenger
vans hanging on the freeway
walls in Port Elizabeth, South
Africa. These 127 pages of
colorful photographs
from southern Africa, Hong
Kong, and Japan are captioned
with pithy and sometimes
humorous haiku descriptions.
Endnotes provide further
explanations and links to the
4 brief linked videos below.

Video passing elephant herd                                  Video elephant washing grass
Video Helicopter over Victoria Falls           Video Japanese rotating train chairs

∙ Perfect bound paperback book
∙ Full color photographs
∙ Descriptive haikus
∙ Published by Triskelion Ltd.

ORDER TODAY: $29.99 plus shipping with printing and fulfillment by Lulu

[Shortcut - Java Jump]

Douglas Boynton Quine Education

Princeton University Nassau Hall stamp

Douglas Boynton Quine Web Ring

The DBQ Web Ring (left) provides access to listings of my professional consulting, offices held, philatelic activities, professional employment, research, scientific publications, seminars presented and teaching. This web "home" page originally served to describe my interests by providing a listing of favorite web sites across many subject areas. That content has now been folded into my more favorite links web page. It includes art, automobiles, computing, education, employment, finance, genealogy, government resources, health, kid friendly sites, movies, musicians, news, postal, reference, science, taxes, television, theater, travel, and web search engines.

Family Web Ring by Douglas Boynton Quine

The Family Web Ring (family web sites listed on left) supports the Boynton and Quine family web pages that I have developed. Current Boynton and Quine family trees are provided with all descendents of my grandparents. Ancestors are listed as far back as known (8 generations back for Quine family members and 32 generations back Boynton for family members). Web pages for my parents Marjorie Boynton Quine and Willard Van Orman Quine are included. Extensive documentation is provided in the Boynton and the Quine family guest books. These guest books have served as a resource for family members to discover previously unknown relatives.


Willard Van Orman Quine Web Ring by Douglas Boynton Quine

W V Quine logo The WVQ Web Ring (left) provides access the web pages that I developed for my father, the philosopher and mathematician Willard Van Orman Quine. The web pages are extensive including all known books (and translations), published papers, students, lectures, awards, obituaries, and even travels.

[POSTNET barcoding software logo]Philately / Postal Automation Web Ring by Douglas Boynton Quine

The Philately / Postal Automation Web Ring (left) provides access to the web pages that I developed for the Auxiliary Markings Club which I co-founded with John Hotchner in 2003. It provides links to information about my philatelic interests and publications. The on-line United States Postal Service POSTNET and PLANET barcode decoder allows interpretation of the black postal barcodes on the face of most US mail today. Finally, POSTNET error 404 is a humorous (but quite correct) error page for those seeking a POSTNET decoder.

POSTNET barcode

Beatles Web Ring by Douglas Boynton Quine

Beatles Let It Be... Naked The Beatles Web Ring (music web sites listed on left) has proven to be the most popular set of web pages. All Beatles albums released in the United States are listed with a song list and links for discounted purchases. The international listing is growing as information is obtained from other sources. The alphabetical listing of Beatles songs allows quick determination of the CD containing the song (as well as the composer). The first release listing includes every song the Beatles ever recorded (including those never released). The many volumes of the Beatles guest books include the extensive fan correspondence received over the years. The Beatles FAQ web page answer the most common questions posted by visitors - including every known group that has "covered" a Beatles song, the characters displayed on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band album, and how to determine the value of a Beatles record, and even the postage stamps designed by Paul McCartney for the Isle of Man (ancestral home of the Quine family).

Doing Good

It is nice to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Our public service site has some ways you can help. I started saving gas with my Honda Civic Hybrid (GreenHybrid.com and MyHybridCar.com have the best on-line hybrid information). For fun, I painted the silver logo to be green in the day and to glow at night.

Honda Civic Hybrid logo in daytime day
Honda Civic Hybrid logo at night night

As technology improved, I migrated to a 2014 Toyota Prius Eco (highest gas mileage non-plugin ever at the time) which has now AVERAGED over 68 miles per gallon for 7 years. I'm doing far better than the 56 mpg rating.


Resources (to the left) provide access to our privacy statement, our public service site, Triskelion Ltd which I founded in 1983 (and which hosts our web pages), and information about the use of these web sites.

JavaScript test page - with browser display and cookie demonstration

Amazon.com has millions of items to search by author, title, subject, keyword, name, or ISBN.

Amazon Jump icon Enter book ISBN


This web page was created March 11, 1996 and updated February 4, 2025 SSL W3C.
Hosted by A2hosting.com and I'll share my referral bonus if you sign-up as well: A2Hosting referral
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 by Douglas B. Quine
Stop Spam Harvesters, Join Project Honey Pot

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